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The popularity of e-readers in recent years has resulted in many publications being adapted for the eBook market.

Here at Tech-Set, we can provide you with the design and typesetting services to get your publication digitally prepared and produced. Unlike a printed book, what your product will look like to your readers is largely dependent on the eBook device chosen.

Below is a list of the digital publication services we can provide you with:

  • Reflowable ePub formats

  • Fixed ePub formats, including bookmarked PDFs

  • Animated e-books

  • Web content

  • XML coding 

  • PDF editing

  • Page flip/turning digital publications


We can include your authoring tool(s) to build interactive content, using your own templates and platform if required.


If you would like Tech-Set to help you to get your project digitally ready then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

electronic books
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